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May 11, 2007


Michael Sullivan

Dear Professor Cook. Following your data and calculations avidly! Might i point you to a useful resource that has just gone live on the internet. WolframAlpha bring together power of curated data, with the ability to perform some math on it. Could be a useful tool moving forward.
e.g. http://www88.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=revenues+ibm+%2B+orcl+%2B+msft+%2B+sap+%2B+emc+%2B+csco+%2F+market+cap+ibm+%2B+orcl+%2B+msft+%2B+sap+%2B+emc+%2B+csco



I compiled these data from SEC filings reported in S&P COMPUSTAT date available online at Wharton Research Data Services [WRDS]. The 2007 data are not yet available from that source but you can get them from EDGAR OnLine I*Metrix. The metric and its measurement are described in my book. Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks for your interest.


Renee Chemel

I was wondering where I can get the graphical information listed above for the year 2007? There are no references above. Thanks!

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